New York architects Joseph Tanney and Robert Luntz founded RESOLUTION: 4 ARCHITECTURE in 1990. Since its inception, their ten-person office has been internationally published and highly acclaimed, completing projects in the residential, commercial, and public realms. But it is their modern prefab work, known as THE MODERN MODULAR, completed over the last ten years for which they have been most recognized.

In 2003 RES4 won an international competition for a modern prefabricated home, The Dwell Home. It has been noted by the Washington Post as the “highest profile modern prefabricated home in America”, and is considered the “Holy Grail” for modern prefab enthusiasts.

In addition to having been featured in many national newspapers, RES4 has been featured in popular magazines, architectural publications, and media such as CNN, Nightline, and the CBS Morning News. They have lectured extensively throughout the US, and their work has been exhibited in museums including the Walker Art Center in Minneapolis, the Hammer Museum in Los Angles, and MOMA in New York City. Both Tanney and Luntz are active in teaching and have been visiting critics at a number of Universities.

RES4 has also received critical recognition within the profession.  In addition to recently receiving a 2013 and 2012 Connecticut AIA Award for Design, THE MODERN MODULAR has received a 2005 American Architecture Award, a 2006 National AIA Housing Award for Concepts in Innovative Housing, and a 2006 Honor Award for Housing Design Research from the Boston Society of Architects and the AIA New York Chapter.

Having designed over 120 prefab homes from Maine to Hawaii, using modular, panelized, and hybrid delivery methods, RESOLUTION: 4 ARCHITECTURE is considered one of the most prolific prefab architecture firms practicing today. Learn more at